Stakeholder Management Workshop | Flawless Consulting
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Accelerated Flawless Consulting®

Stakeholder Management to Get our Expertise Used and Gain Influence without Control

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About 20 years ago, I was first exposed to Flawless Consulting® in my Pepperdine Organization Development masters program. I didn’t think of myself as a consultant, I just wanted to be effective and contribute meaningfully. As I learnt about this work, it resonated with me, because it’s about being real and authentic and serving our clients. 
A walk and talk with Peter Block in the sunny blue skies in California sealed our partnership. Since the start of Flame Centre, we have been partnering with DesignedLearning® to offer Flawless Consulting® Skills workshops. It has influenced me deeply and now it’s much very part of who I am and how I work. 

I invite you to check this out, if you want to do good work by being who you are. 

Case Studies:
The Flawless Consulting® Way

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Speaking Truth to Power: Perspectives from an Organization Development Practitioner

Are You Frustrated When...

  • Your leaders/ clients come to you at the last minute to implement something?
  • You are not involved early enough in the process to influence decisions and share your ideas?
  • ​Most of your day spent putting out fires and not focusing on strategic issues? ​
  • You have so much more expertise to offer the organization, but they don’t appreciate it or even ask for your expertise?
  • ​You are asked to implement band-aid solutions that you know won't solve the underlying issues? 


Stop Fixing, Start Collaborating 


  • Deal with resistance effectively 
  • Learn how to build influence when you’re not in control
  • Build strategic partnerships and become a trusted advisor​
  • Address difficult issues to move forward effectively
  • Shape how you want your leaders/ clients to work with you, as a trusted partner, not a pair of hands or a distant expert. 
So that your recommendations are used, your expertise is recognised and you can truly make a meaningful impact.  
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But wait, I am not a consultant or my job title has no consultant in it. 

We hear this a lot. But consider this: 

  • Do you need to influence others to get your work done?
  • Do you want others to use your recommendations?
  • Do you have some form of expertise that others will find useful?
If your answer is ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you are playing a consultant role
Even parents are consultants to their children, especially when the children are older. 

And I am an internal consultant, is it still relevant to me? 

The contexts are different for internal and external consultants, but they both need to influence without authority. In fact, with the power dynamics in an internal role, it can be more challenging to build 50:50 partnership, therefore these skills become even more important. 

This work is from America, this is not how we work here. Our norms or ways are different. 
We appreciate different cultures and norms. Yet most people want to connect as real human beings. We also want to collaborate because we trust one another. Therefore these skills are about building partnerships at the speed of trust. 

The workshop is 3 days, why is it so long?

This workshop is highly experiential with role plays, video exercises and simulations. You learn at multiple levels - from the trainer, from discussions with fellow participants, working as a consulting team and video exercises. 

You will leave with awareness of yourself as a consultant, keener observation of the fluid dynamics in client interactions and lastly, a framework, tools and skills to be more effective. 


Flawless Consulting® has been written long ago, is it still relevant? 

Definitely, that is why it is in its 4th edition. It has found its niche in the human dimension of a consulting relationship. 

You want to be more collaborative, but don't know how?

Find out about your Consultant Role Orientation to spark some ideas.


Flawless Consulting®

Stakeholder Management to Get our Expertise Used and
Gain Influence without Control

Learn from a program that has stood the test of time for 40 years, attended by
more than 1 million people.
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Peter Block’s bestselling book Flawless Consulting®: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used is often called ‘The Consultant’s Bible’.

Flawless Consulting® has taught leaders to be more conscious of the impact they have on others and subsequently of their own engagement and leadership style. 

What is so unique about this work? 
  • The focus on authenticity and compassion; based on values to build genuine win-win partnerships. It is not influenced by positioning messages, half-truths or political ploy. 
  • Confronts each of us in our choice on how we choose to serve, be powerful and effective in the work we do. Not relegating our choice to how our leaders are or the culture we operate in. 
  • It demands us to be courageous and honest with ourselves first, so that we can be an instrument for positive change. Not blaming others or the system. We choose to be accountable
  • It focuses on the most difficult aspect of the work - people and politics. It teaches about building the values, character and skills to deal with these difficult aspects.   
Participant's Perspective
What Our Clients Say
Organizations who have used
Flawless Consulting
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HR Professional Development

Accelerated Flawless Consulting® is now an IHRP-accredited workshop. 
If you are a HR professional looking to be 
proficient in HR Consulting skills, get the 
Skills Badge to be a step ahead.

Our Framework & Tools Used In the Workshop
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Here's What You Will Learn From
Flawless Consulting® Workshop
  • The skills of relationship-building and influencing others
  • To work in a trusting partnership role with clients/colleagues
  • To develop commitment from your clients/colleagues through skilled contracting
  • To assertively express your needs for a successful partnership
  • To identify and manage various resistance styles while consolidating relationships
  • To negotiate more effective and enduring agreements with clients/colleagues to avoid no-win situations

Workshop Agenda   

Who Should Attend

Professionals in
  • Human Resources
  • Talent Acquisition, Learning and Development 
  • IT/ Information Systems 
  • Audit, Finance 
  • Project Managers and Line Management
Anyone who needs to be able to influence horizontally and vertically within and across organizational boundaries.

Upcoming Public Workshops

Stakeholder Management to Get our Expertise Used and Gain Influence without Control
3 days | 9am - 6pm | Face-to-Face

Workshop Fees  


SC: Singapore Citizens I PR: Permanent Residents

With effect from 1 Jan 2022, SSG will introduce a fixed Absentee Payroll (AP) rate at $4.50 per hour.

*SkillsFuture Credit Claimable.

Payment can be made via PayNow or bank transfer.

Instructions on payment will be available after registration form submission.

Grow in Skills

We asked participants to rate their skills before and after the workshop to see how they have grown. These are our average scores before and after the Flawless Consulting workshop.

Grow in Contribution
We also asked participants to rate outcomes and knowledge to apply the skills in these areas.
Learn from a program that has stood the test of time for 40 years, attended by more than 1 million people.
Accelerated Flawless Consulting® 
3-day workshop
9.00 am to 6.00 pm, Singapore time
Wendy Tan
Bernard Chwee
Lyn Wong
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David Lee
Choo Phaik Ai
Check Out Our Blogs & Resources
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Ebook_ Engagement by Design
Tips For Humanizing Virtual Engagement.

Build community and engagement with every minute of the virtual hour.

Free Resources:
Still unsure?
Reach out for a non-obligatory 15 min chat.

We understand your objectives and discuss if this workshop is a fit for you or your employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

Workshop Registration - Terms & Conditions
Minimum Entry Requirement

● Polytechnic Diploma or GCE “A” levels and above

● At least 3 years of working experience

● Minimum age is 24 years old and above

● Internal or external consultants; people with functional expertise, eg., HR, finance, quality, compliance or IT, and need to manage stakeholders to be successful in their role.

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