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Career Development

Improve Engagement& Retention

Build a Skilled Workforce

Enhance Career Health

Practical. Proven. Based on thought-leadership.

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Dr. Beverly Kaye | Author
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Lynn Cowart | Author

How We Can Help Organizations

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  1. Keynotes  
    Inspire and motivate your leadership team or workforce.
  2. Workshops
    Online or face-to-face skills-building WSQ SkillsFuture courses


  3. microLEARNING modules
    Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go (2 hours).
  4. Licensing
    Career tools for your organization’s internal use.
  5. Consulting
    Embed career development in your organization.
  • Career Conversations for Managers:
    Career Coaching Skills for Managers (1 to 1.5 days)

  • Finding Opportunity in your Organization for All Professionals: Career Planning (1 day)
Career Power Classic for Managers

How We Can Help You

Improve Career Health for All Professionals: CareerPower® Classic (1 day workshop)

Grow Capabilities

Career Coaching for Managers:
Engage, Develop & RetainYour Employees
We asked participants to rate their skills before and after the workshop to see how they have grown. These are the average scores across our Career Coaching workshops.
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Grow in Skills
We also asked participants to rate the outcomes of applying their Career Coaching skills. Here is the business impact.
Grow in Contribution

Updated Oct 2024

Our Tools

Career Power Classic for Managers
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Improve Career Health.

Diagnostic Checklists and Strategies for your Organization, Managers and Employees.

Check Out Our Case Study

Case Study - Career Development
Covidien - A study of career development.

Participant's Perspectives

Manager's Perspective
Managers' Perspective
Career Planning for Career Mobility
Career Planning for Career Health

Our Career Facilitators & Coaches

CD facilitators

Career Health Tips: The First Steps

Why We Should Start Thinking About Career Planning
How Do I Chart My Career When I Don't Know My End Goal?

Why Work with Us

Why clients choose us
Measurable growth in skills and business impact
Thought leadership

Deep partnership with clients

Why clients choose us

Highly experienced and skilled consultants and facilitators

SkillsFuture Singapore/
IBF Funding

Global rollout
with presence in Asia Pacific, Europe, Australia and the United States

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Our Clients

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Check Out Our Resources

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